Backyard Fossil Mystery: Local Community Discovers Prehistoric Dinosaur Secrets


In an astonishing discovery, paleontologists in Portugal have recently uncovered what may be the largest dinosaur remains ever found in Europe. What makes this find even more remarkable is that the remains were found in the backyard of a man’s home.

The University of Lisbon, in collaboration with researchers from Spain, embarked on an excavation project earlier this month that lasted over a week. The team carefully unearthed the massive skeletal remains of a dinosaur, believed to be a brachiosaurus sauropod.

The brachiosaurus, known for its imposing size, stood on four legs and possessed an incredibly long neck, which it used to reach and feed on the foliage of tall trees. This magnificent creature roamed the Earth for a staggering 140 million years, as estimated by the American Museum of Natural History.

This groundbreaking discovery not only sheds light on the past inhabitants of Europe but also highlights the potential for remarkable finds in unexpected locations, such as a humble backyard.



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