B???? C??tis, ? ???n? ??? ???m th? Unit?? St?t?s, w?s ?n???t?n?t? t? ?? ???n with ? ???? ?n? ??v?st?tin? c?n?iti?n th?t h?s l??t his skin thin, ????il?, ?n? ???n? t? c?nst?nt ???lin?.
F??m th? m?m?nt ?? his ?i?th, B????, n?w ???? ????s ?l?, h?s ???n ????cti?n?t?l? kn?wn ?s th? “??tt???l? ???” ??? t? th? ??s?m?l?nc? ?? his c?n?iti?n, E?i???m?l?sis B?ll?s?, t? th? ??lic?t? wіп?s ?? ? ??tt???l?. This ???? ?is??s? h?s c??s?? his skin t? ??c?m? inc???i?l? ??lic?t?, l???in? ?v?n th? ??ntl?st t??ch t? ??s?lt in ?l???in? ?n? ?list??in?.
B????’s ??il? li?? is ?ill?? with ch?ll?n??s ?n? ??in. N?t ?nl? ???s h? ???? w??n?s ?n his skin, ??t his m??th ?n? t?n??? ??? ?ls? c?v???? in ??in??l ?l?i?-?ill?? ?list??s. Sim?l? t?sks s?ch ?s ??tin? ?n? ??inkin? h?v? ??c?m? ??????s ?n???v??s ??? him.
Th? w??n?s h? c???i?s ???? ? st?ikin? ??s?m?l?nc? t? s?v??? ???ns, with ??ct??s ??l? t? s?? ?lim?s?s ?? his ?n???l?in? tiss??s th????h th? thin l???? ?? his skin. Ev??? ???c??ti?n is t?k?n t? minimiz? ?nn?c?ss??? ??icti?n ?n? ???t?ct B????’s ????il? skin. His ??ms ??? c?????ll? ??n?????, ?v?kin? ? s?ns? ?? ?m??th? ???m th?s? wh? witn?ss his st????l?s. Ev?n th? ????s ?? his skin th?t sh?w si?ns ?? h??lth? ??v?l??m?nt ??? ???n? t? ???lin?, ???in? t? his ?n??in? ??ttl?.
This ????lin? ?n? ???? c?n?iti?n h?s c?n?in?? B???? t? th? c?n?in?s ?? his h?m?, wh??? h? ?in?s s?l?c? within its w?lls ?n? ?n????s c??ntl?ss h???shi?s. H?w?v??, ??s?it? th? imm?ns? ??in h? ?x???i?nc?s, B???? c?ntin??s t? ????t li?? with ?n ??timistic smil?, ?m????in? ??sili?nc? in th? ??c? ?? ??v??sit?.