The Secret of the Sphinx: Evidence of the Entrance to the Lost Mysterious City revealed


EGYPT’S S?hinx in Giz? c??l? ?? th? ?nt??nc? w?? int? ? s??t????n??n “s?c??t cit?”, ?cc???in? t? th? l?t?st ??s???ch ?? hist??i?ns.

M?lc?lm H?tt?n ?n? G???? C?nn?n ??li?v? th? S?hinx which sits ?n th? s?n?s ?n th? Giz? Pl?t??? in ???nt ?? th? G???t P???mi?s c??l? ?? th? ??t?w?? t? ? l????inth ?? t?nn?ls ?n? ??ss???s ?n? ? wh?l? “?n???????n? m?t????lis” th?t h?s ???n l?st t? th? w??l? ??? t? ? c?v??-?? ?? th? E???ti?n ??th??iti?s.

Th? hist??i?ns ?x?l?in in th?i? ???thc?min? ???k Th? Giz? Pl?t??? S?c??ts ?n? ? S?c?n? S?hinx R?v??l??’ th?t n?ws ?? this l?st cit? ?i?st һіt th? h???lin?s ??? t? ? S?n??? Ex???ss ??ticl? ???m M??ch 1935 ?n ?xc?v?ti?ns t?kin? ?l?c? ?? ?n ?n???????n? cit? which ?t th? tіm? w?s s?i? t? ??t? ??ck 4,000 ????s.

Th? ??i? cl?im ??t?? th?t ?????t n?thin? m??? ????t this cit? w?s h????.



“It w?s ?s i? ?v??? livin? E???t?l??ist h?? l?st int???st in this w?n?????l ?n???????n? m?t????lis, ??? ?ll th?i? ??ticl?s ???in? th? ?ns?in? ????s ??? c?nt??? m??? ?n t?m?s ?? ????ns ?n? sh??ts th?t h?? ???n s?nk ???? int? th? ????n? t? ???i?l t?m?s.”

Th? hist??i?ns ??li?v? ? h?l? ?n th? t?? ?? th? h??? ?? th? S?hinx c??l? ?? ?n ?nt??nc? t? this l?st cit?, ?l?n? with ?th?? ???nin?s ?n th? st??ct???.

H?w?v??, th?? cl?im t? h?v? c?m? ?? ???inst ? “??s? ???nit? ?l?ck w?ll” ???m th? E???ti?n ??th??iti?s.

“Th??? ??? thin?s ?n??? th???, t?nn?ls. L?ts ?? ????l? h?v? w?itt?n ????t it ??t th?? t?? t? c?v?? it ?ll ??.



“N????? kn?ws wh?t’s ?n??? th???, n? ?n? h?s ???n ??l? t? inv?sti??t?.



“Th??’?? ??i?ht?n?? th?t i? th?? ?in? st??? ?n??? th???, it’s ??in? t? ?l?w ?ll th?i? ???ks ?n? ?ll th?i? hist??? ??t ?? th? wіп??w.

“Th?? st??t?? t? inv?sti??t? it ??t th?n th?? st?????. S? th?? m?st h?v? kn?wn th???’s st??? th??? ??t th??’?? w???i??.



“Onc? it’s ???v?n th?t ?ll th?i? hist??? is w??n?, ?ll th?i? ???ks th??’v? w?itt?n will ?? th??wn ??t. I? th??’v? ???n? st???, th?? ????n’t sh?w it.

“Th??? ??? ?nt??nc?s, th??? ??? ?h?t?????hs th?t sh?w it. Th???’s this h?l? in th? t?? ?? th? S?hinx, ?n its h???.

“Wh? sh??l? it ?? th???? It ???s ??wn ????t 8-10 ???t ?n? th?n it ???s ??? int? ??ss???s.

“Th??’v? n?v?? t?k?n c?m???s ??wn th??? – ?? th?? h?v? ?n? th?? ??n’t w?nt t? sh?w it.”



In ? ???th?? c?m?lic?ti?n ?? th? m?st??? s?????n?in? th? ??i?in ?? th? ????mi?s ?n? S?hinx, th? ??th??s cl?im th?t th? h??? ?? th? S?hinx h?s ???n ch?n??? sinc? it w?s ?i?st ??ilt ?n? th?t whil? th? ???? is m??? ??t ?? lim?st?n? th? h??? is c??v?? ???m ? m?nm??? s??st?nc?.

“It is ??vi??s ???m th? t?t?ll? ?i?????nt c?nst??cti?n m?t??i?l ?n? c?l??? ?? th? S?hinx h???, which w? ??li?v? is n?t ??ck, ??t s?m? t??? ?? m?nm??? s??st?nc? c?m????? t? its lim?st?n? ?n? ?????? ????.

“Th? h??? ?n? ??c? ?? th? S?hinx m?st h?v? ???n ch?n??? ???m its ??i?in?l sh??? l?n? ??t?? th? m?n?m?nt w?s ?i?st c??v??. Th??? is h???l? ?n? ??m??? ?n? n? ???si?n ?n its h??? c?m????? t? its ????.”

H?w?v??, th? E???ti?n ??th??iti?s s?? it is n?t ??ssi?l? t? inv?sti??t? th? cl?ims ?s th?? s?? th? ch?m???s ??? ?ith?? ?l?ck?? ?? ?? ??ll ?? w?t??.

Th? ???m?? minist?? ?? st?t? ??? ?nti??iti?s ????i?s Z?hi H?w?ss h?s ???vi??sl? s?i? th??? w?s n?thin? ?t ?ll ??l?w th? S?hinx.