The Enchanting Symphony of Lizy’s Hypnobabies: A Majestic Birth Unveiled on the Sacred Tapestry of the Hospital Floor

Lizy’s Hypnobabies Birth on the Hospital Floor

“Hypnobabies really gave me the tools to achieve this. I learned so much from this program that I used during my pregnancy, birthing time, and birth. This birth experience made me feel so empowered as a mother & woman. That’s what birth should feel like, no matter how your baby is born.”

Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis really does help you enjoy a much easier and more comfortable birthing! Use code hypno1528 for 10% off our Hypnobabies Home Study Courses.





August 1, 2021, around 6 pm my water broke at home. I wasn’t having any regular waves (Hypnobabies term for contractions), but my OBs on-call recommended I go to the hospital. I spent the entire night trying different positions but had irregular waves all night.





The next day came around and as much as I didn’t want to, we started IV meds to get some more consistent waves and hopefully some progress. I continued to try different positions, used the shower & bathtub often, used acupuncture, and did just about anything anyone suggested to get baby out!





It was nearing 24 hours since my water had broken and I was getting exhausted thinking, “this feels like it will never end!” Despite my strong, consistent waves, my nurse checked my cervix around 5:30 pm and said I was dilated to a 7. I felt so defeated. At this point the waves were so intense and I could not imagine how much longer it would be until I finally got to meet my baby.




I told the nurse I was exhausted and just wanted an epi. Immediately after she left the room, I had the most intense wave and I immediately jumped out of bed. I think everyone in the room knew in this moment that baby was about to come. The anesthesiologist came in the room as I was on the floor and asked if I still wanted the epi. There was no way I could get up and move at this point and I knew baby would be in my arms soon, so I said no.



It became pretty chaotic after this point. My OB hadn’t arrived yet and my body took over and baby’s head was almost out. My husband called the nurses station and the room immediately filled with people. The wave subsided and I told everyone I was fine, and I could wait for my OB to get there (lol). The next wave came, and I knew that was it. A doctor I’ve never met stepped in and caught my little boy on the floor! I felt so much relief and joy in that moment. He was born August 2nd at 6:43pm (we think, no one was focused on the time! ) I was elated and so so happy to finally meet my little guy. I could not have made it without the support from my husband. I am also eternally grateful for my birth photographer & chiropractor/acupuncturist. And lastly Hypnobabies really gave me the tools to achieve this. I learned so much from this program that I used during my pregnancy, birthing time, and birth.





This birth experience made me feel so empowered as a mother & woman. That’s what birth should feel like, no matter how your baby is born. Thinking back to nearly five years ago when my daughter was born, I get a completely different feeling. This birth experience gave me more than just a baby. Aren’t women so badass!?