Revealing Wonders: The Incredible Journey of Conjoined Twins – A Story Unveiling Courage and Triumph

On the afternoon of October 2, Children’s Hospital 2 in Ho Chi Minh City said that after more than a month of surgery to separate conjoined twins, two girls, Dieu Thi Bao An and Dieu Thi Bao Han (1 year old, living in Binh Phuoc province), will be discharged this weekend.

According to Dr. Pham Ngoc Thach, Deputy Director of Children’s Hospital 2, now the incisions on the two children have healed, and their health is completely stable. “Three decisive factors for the success of this complex surgery are the combination of the experience of the experts; the skilled skills of the doctors and nurses who are directly and indirectly involved in the care and surgery technique; application of high technology specialized in surgery,” Mr. Thach informed.

Two babies, Bao Han and Bao An, were born by caesarean section at 33 weeks, 1 year ago, with a total weight of 3.4 kg, now weighing 12 kg. Both were fused in the lumbar region with the same stump, an anal fistula; Baby Bao An had 5 right rib aplasia, right hip dislocation, stiff knee, right ankle; Baby Bao Han has no other malformations.


The separate surgery began on August 23, and the surgical team consisted of 20 medical doctors, plastic surgeons, neurosurgery, gastroenterology, anesthesia, and resuscitation. After more than 11 hours of surgery, the doctors successfully separated the two; performed dural patching, covering skin grafts, shaping digestive structures, blood vessels, making a passage for the most severely impaired baby.