My Brave Boy: The Doctor’S Hug, Cradling My Bump, Came With A Warning Of The Challenging Road Ahead Due To My Baby’S 15 Birth Defects.

BEING told there’s something wrong with your baby is every parent’s worst nightmare.

But for Peta Tease, it only filled her with more love for her unborn child as she vowed to do everything she could to look after him.

Peta Tease with her son Oliver who was born with a cleft palate and two holes in his heartCredit: Peta Jayne Tease

Oliver had 15 different birth defects – mainly involving his face and his heartCredit: Peta Jayne Tease

Speaking to, the 28-year-old from Sydney, Australia, reveals what it was like to get that devastating phone call from her doctor and life with her son Oliver…

TEARS streamed down my face in the sonographer’s office as I cradled my precious bump.

Moment’s earlier, she’d detected my baby boy had a cleft lip during a routine 19-week scan. I couldn’t understand it.

A harmony test at 11 weeks had shown no abnormalities and my first son, Jax, 7, was born perfectly healthy.

“Will I be able to love this baby like I love Jax?” I wondered for a brief moment. But it was only a knee-jerk reaction because the truth was, I already did.

When the obstetrician called me from home at 7pm the next evening, a cold chill ran down my spine.

As if a cleft lip wasn’t enough, it turned out my baby had heart problems as well.

An amniocentesis confirmed everything.

The obstetrician warned me it was going to be a hard slog. Our baby had not one hole in the heart but two.


As I got up to leave, he asked if he could give me a hug “because you are going to need it for the journey you are going on”.

Then I burst into tears all over again. I’d never change him for the world.

Peta says her little boy is ‘perfect’ and she ‘wouldn’t change him for the world’Credit: Peta Jayne Tease

Oliver was born on May 21, 2018 weighing a healthy 7lbsCredit: Peta Jayne Tease

As my baby bump grew, the shock gradually dissipated and I was comforted by the knowledge the survival rates for my son’s congenital heart issues were very good.

I vowed to love my precious son despite his cleft. I had no idea I’d love him even more because of it.


Oliver was born on May 21, 2018 weighing a healthy 3.2kg (7lbs). He had 15 birth defects, mainly involving his face and heart.

The cleft affected his lip, palate and cheek all the way up to his eye socket, and his left ear was deformed on the outside.

Gazing into that perfect little face, I realised I’d never change Oliver for the world.

When he was 18 days old I was thrilled to finally be allowed home. Like all proud mums, I wanted to show my baby off to the world.



Gazing into that perfect little face, I realised I’d never change Oliver for the world

My friends and our community smothered us with love, but we had some very insensitive comments from strangers.

One was: “It’s amazing what the plastic surgeons can do these days.” That really upset me because I had no intention of ever hiding Oliver’s cleft, or his face, or any of his defects.

Another person asked: “Didn’t you know when you were pregnant?” As if to insinuate I should have aborted Oliver.

But the most confronting comment of all was from a brutally honest six-year-old girl at Jax’s school.


I was talking to her parents when she said, “Oh look a baby”. She looked inside the pram and went, “Eeww, he looks gross. He looks like a freak. Mum he looks weird.”

I was so overwhelmed with shock and horror, I just left.

The thought of my baby boy starting school and having to endure this kind of cruelty was sickening.

I had to do something.

Oliver with his big brother Jax, seven, who is very protective over himCredit: Peta Jayne Tease

Taking to the school Facebook page, I recounted what happened and asked parents to show Oliver’s picture to their children and teach them that even though Oliver may look different, he was just like them on the inside.

The positive responses I got back blew me away. Many of the parents told me their children thought Oliver was absolutely gorgeous and couldn’t understand why anyone would be mean to him.


As a proud mum that’s exactly what I wanted to hear.

I’ve got so many reasons to be proud — Oliver is such a happy and resilient child.

He sailed through open heart surgery at four-and-a-half months old and started crawling six weeks later.