Mum’s Realization Of Her Baby’s Significant Size Hits Home After A Pain Relief-Free Home Birth.

A photographer has captured the amazing moment a mum realised she had just given birth to a whopper of a baby – without any interventions or pain relief at home.

The joy on Natalie Bancroft’s face was clear to see as she welcomed her baby boy into the world in Spokane Valley, Washington.

Natalie gave birth at home with with “no interventions, no internal exams, no complications,” naturally delivering a baby boy who weighed 11lb 2oz.

Photographer Laura Fifield said neither mum or her midwives were expecting an 11lb baby – which is pretty clear from Natalie’s shocked expression.

Laura had got the call early on a cold, snowy morning saying that Natalie was in labour and quickly gathered her gear and headed over to the house.

“When I arrived she was standing near the birth pool laboring in a candle lit room. Soft music was playing along with essential oils diffusing. Her birth space was serene and comforting.

Natalie wanted a home birth so she could have her two children could be present, and opted for a birthing pool.

Her son, who they named Simon, was born after very few pushes and Laura captured the moment in heartwarming pictures.

Laura said: “Baby was a surprise gender, so finding out they had another boy was so exciting!

“Once he was out we could tell he was a little chunker! Natalie and her husband were immediately in love with their new son.

“Once Simon was born, Natalie moved from where the birth pool was into the comfort of her bed.

“Simon started nursing right way! After time spent doing skin to skin and nursing it was time to weigh him. Imagine the surprise when her midwife announced: “He’s 11lbs, 2oz Natalie!”

“Oh my goodness, we were all shocked!”