Meet the Extraordinary Snake Wrangler: Capturing 100 Dragon Snakes with Bare Hands(video)

Meet the Extraordinary Snake Wrangler: Capturing 100 Dragon Snakes with Bare Hands

The Close-Up Video of catching 100 Dragon Snakes with bare hands has been making rounds on YouTube recently, and it has left viewers stunned with its daring and intense display of skill.








The video, shot in an undisclosed location, shows a group of individuals venturing into a dense forest, armed with nothing but their bare hands and quick reflexes. As they maneuver their way through the thick foliage, they encounter numerous Dragon Snakes, a highly venomous species known for its aggressive behavior.


Undeterred, the group fearlessly approaches the snakes, quickly grabbing them by the tail and expertly avoiding their fangs. The video captures close-up shots of the intense moments as the individuals work together to capture as many snakes as possible.

The technique used by the group to catch the snakes is known as snake hooking, a skill that takes years of practice to master. By grabbing the snake by its tail, they are able to safely handle it without risking a bite.


Despite the adrenaline-fueled nature of the video, the individuals in the video stress the importance of handling these dangerous creatures with care and respect. They also note that their actions should not be replicated by anyone without the proper training and experience.

The video has been met with mixed reactions, with some praising the group for their impressive skill and bravery, while others criticizing them for putting themselves in danger and potentially harming the snakes.

Regardless of one’s opinion on the matter, it is undeniable that the Close-Up Video of catching 100 Dragon Snakes with bare hands is a fascinating and thrilling display of human-animal interaction.