Man’s Extraordinary Sacrifice: Enduring Suffering to Nurture Thriving Bees.

Man’s Extraordinary Sacrifice: Enduring Suffering to Nurture Thriving Bees.


Man’s Extraordinary Sacrifice: Enduring Suffering to Nurture Thriving Bees

His control is such that when he finds the queen bee, he can command the whole swarm of bees. These bees will ɡᴜагd his body and obey his commands like bees that have received orders from the queen bee.



He is not only a practitioner of this but also a beekeeper, making a living ѕeɩɩіпɡ honey. His control of the bee swarm made him a celebrity and was known as “The Man with a Thousand Bees Covering His Body”.

With the interest of the community, he has inspired a lot of people, especially those who live in his area.

These people have learned how to communicate and control bee colonies and hope to one day be able to participate in an іmргeѕѕіⱱe рагаde of bees.

About Bees

Bees are highly social insects like ants and termites. Bees live in swarms, each colony has a queen, worker bee, young bee… and has a clear division of work. Bees have many different species, species are raised by humans to exploit products such as honey, beeswax, royal jelly, …

Bees often live in swarms, sometimes up to 25,000 – 50,000, in nests in tree hollows, rocks, bushes, in forests, or improved nests made by farmers.

Bees, like ants, are a special form of wasps. The ancestors of bees are wasps in the family Crabronidae, and therefore they are predators of other insects. The change from insect prey to pollen may result from the consumption of insect prey that are also present in flowers and part of which is contaminated with pollen as they forage. wasp larvae. The same evolutionary scenario is also present in wasps in the family vespoidea, which belong to the group of “pollen wasps” also related to their predatory ancestors. Until recently, the oldest uncompressed bee fossil was Cretotrigona prisca in Jersey amber and of Cretaceous age, of the meliponine subfamily. A recently discovered bee fossil in the genus Melittosphex is considered “an extinct lineage of a clade of pollen-collecting Apoidea species of the same taxa as modern bees”, and this fossil is of Early Cretaceous age (~100 million years old). 1 year] Their morphological features (“apomorphies”) are evident in bees, but remain unchanged from their ancestors (“plesiomorphies”): legs (two mid-tibial spurs, and a slender hind basitarsus), showing their transitional status.

The earliest animal pollinated flowers were carried out by insects such as beetles, so the manifestations of pollination were evident before bees first appeared. The novelty in bees is that the “differentiation” is a group that specializes in pollinators, with physical and behavioral changes that have increased their ability to specifically pollinate, and they generally do this job. more effective than any other insect pollinators such as beetles, flies, butterflies and wasps pollen. The arrival of these botanical experts is believed to have led to the adaptive branching of flowering plants, and in turn, bees as well.

Of the extant groups of bees, the family Colletidae is traditionally considered the most primitive, and its sister clade is the rest of the bees. However, in the twenty-first century, a few researchers have stated that Dasypodaidae is a basal group, species in the group colletidae as a result of convergent evolution, rather than exhibiting general form. The subject remains controversial, and the phylogenetic relationships among bee families are poorly understood.