Heartbreaking: A 10-Year-Old Girl Who Faced Painful Abuse Due To Her Disfigured Face Has Passed Away.

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She rose to prominence when Natalie, who has another two kids, decided to be more outspoken about it due to a policy change by US heath provider Medicare.

But it was not long before such openness about Sophia’s condition started attracting trolls.

Of all the horrid posts, however, there was one that stung particularly as it disgustingly used a picture of Sophia to advocate for the abortion of disabled people.

The comment, made on Twitter, said: “It is okay to think that every child matters however a lot of them do not.

“Hence the amnio test…should be a mandatory test and if it proves negative and the woman does not want to abort then all bills accrued after that is on her and the father.”

Despite the flagrant abuse, Twitter initially refused to take down the explosive remark.

Natalie persisted and eventually Twitter issued an apology to Weaver. The person who posted the horrible tweet was suspended.

People by the likes of former US President Barack Obama have in the past tweeted to praise Natalie’s efforts to improve access to health insurance for US citizens.

Natalie urged people to donate to sophias-voice.com to help other children with chronic illness and disabilities.