Harmonies of Existence: The Magical Moment of a Newborn’s Inaugural Cry

If you’re considering hiring a birth photographer, it’s natural to have concerns about the privacy and public sharing of such intimate and vulnerable moments. While I can’t speak for all birth photographers, as a professional in this field, I want to assure you that I never share a single photo without consent.

For me, it is of utmost importance that my clients feel completely comfortable inviting me into their birth space and trust that the images I capture while documenting their birth story will never be shared without their permission. This means that my website and social media galleries may not always represent my most recent or best work, as some of my favorite photos remain exclusive to my clients and their families.

In fact, a significant number of my clients value complete privacy and choose not to have any of their birth photos shared publicly. This means that unless you know them personally, you may not even realize that I was present at their birth.

I am a strong advocate for enthusiastic consent, and I never want anyone to feel pressured into sharing photos they are not completely comfortable with. While my contract includes a model release that specifies the types of photos and media platforms a client is comfortable with, I consider it a general guideline rather than the final say.

Before the photos are taken, the model release is reviewed, ensuring that the photos are seen before any decisions are made. I believe that someone’s birth experience can profoundly affect how they feel about the privacy or public sharing of their photos. Therefore, I never share anything that hasn’t received final permission from my clients, whether it’s specific photos or an entire gallery.

While privacy and consent are paramount, sharing photos of the various ways birth can happen and what it truly looks like is incredibly important. It empowers people to know their options and make informed choices about their own birth experiences. Seeing imagery that showcases the real, powerful, and incredible nature of birth can challenge the stereotypes portrayed in movies and on television.

When my clients choose to share their birth photos, I deeply appreciate their willingness to contribute to this empowerment and knowledge-sharing. Many of them feel inspired to have home births, labor or give birth in different positions, or hire birth photographers, doulas, or midwives because of the birth photography they saw before or during their pregnancy. By showing others what their options are, they continue the cycle of empowerment and knowledge sharing.

However, as many reasons as there are for sharing birth photos, there are just as many personal reasons not to share them. Some people simply want to keep their birth experience private or may not feel comfortable sharing such personal moments. And just because I believe in the value of accessible birth imagery doesn’t mean that any individual person has to be the one to put it out there.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that while I love sharing my art and it can help prospective clients make decisions, the birth story is not mine to tell. It’s not the world’s story either. It’s your birth. It’s your body. It’s your story.

Whether you’re eager to share your birth photos, only want to share certain photos, or prefer not to share any at all, I will always respect and never question your decision. Your comfort, privacy, and consent are my top priorities as a professional birth photographer.