From аЬапdoпed to Adored: Inspiring Story of a Brave Dog’s Rails to Redemption, Finding Love and a Forever Home!

Philly Rescue Angels is a group that typically focuses on saving and nurturing abandoned dogs. However, there is one particular case that has garnered significant attention due to its brutal and horrendous nature.





The start of this heartwarming story can be traced back to the moment a pack of foundation employees stumbled upon an abandoned puppy who was severely injured on a railroad in Pennsylvania, USA. The incident happened late at night, and when the employees arrived, they found that the poor animal, now known as Lucky, was immobile and unable to move. Sidara Son, one of the employees, revealed in an interview with NBC10 that the dog’s back leg was paralyzed.

At first, they suspected that Lucky had been hit by a train, but upon closer inspection, they discovered that his injuries were much worse. It turned out that Lucky had been severely abused by his former owners, who had left him to die on the railway tracks. Son speculated that the abusers might have used the train as a cover-up for their heinous act of breaking the dog’s back.





They discovered a collar and leash that were removed and left behind at the site, further raising suspicions that they deliberately caused harm to the animal.



Lucky, the poor dog, was quickly rushed to a veterinary clinic for medical attention after he suffered from severe spinal cord damage. The veterinarians are providing him with treatment to alleviate his pain, but unfortunately, reconstructing his spine is no longer an option.


The puppy’s condition remains uncertain as it suffers from severe infected wounds, broken teeth, and possible spinal injuries that could lead to fatal consequences. The cost of Lucky’s surgery and recovery is estimated to reach $15,000 to $35,000, but through donations, they hope to cover the expenses and provide support for the dog’s journey to recovery. The rescue team has been unwavering in their efforts to save Lucky’s life. “He fought hard, and we will continue to fight for him,” said Son.