Family Appeals for Assistance for Their 3-Year-Old Child, Born with a Profoundly Deformed Head and Webbed Fingers.

A devastated family are begging for help after they are struggling to afford care for their three-year-old daughter born with a severely deformed head and webbed fingers .

The little girl, from theThai province of Sakhon Sawanhas was born with the condition Frontoethmoidal Encephalocele.

It is an incurable and hereditary disease which is caused when an opening in the brain does not close during early development



Encephaloceles occur rarely, at a rate of one per 5,000 live births worldwide and are more common on the front of the head in south east Asia, Africa, Malaysia and Russia.

Although she has an extra nostril, Imm has to breathe through her mouth and feeding must be done via tube into her stomach



One treatment for Encephaloceles is surgery, which is usually performed in infancy, although it is unlikely Imm’s family will be able to raise the money for treatment alone.

Now, the girl’s cause has been taken up by the Thai social media group known as ‘Angel Salon’ in an attempt to solicit donations in order to buy powder milk, medical dressings as baby Imm’s family is very poor and the government health service has limited funds.

