Emotional Instances of Maternal Support During their Daughters’ Journey of Childbirth

When a mother-to-be goes into labor, she has a familiar face by her side who knows exactly what she’s going through – her own mother. These mothers are a source of unwavering support during one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences a woman will ever face.

In the midst of it all, birth photographers capture the essence of this special and emotional time, from the beginning of labor to the joyous moments after delivery. The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers, in collaboration with The Huffington Post, has curated a collection of images that showcase mothers assisting their pregnant daughters.

These selected photographs are truly awe-inspiring and beautiful, showcasing the immense love that is poured into the labor, delivery, and the precious moments after childbirth. Mothers, now grandmothers, hold their daughters tightly through the pain, their smiles widening as they finally meet their newest grandchild. It serves as a powerful reminder of the incredible depth of a mother’s love and the desire to have this special woman by your side, no matter your age.

One photograph captures a mother’s profound concern for her laboring daughter, bringing tears to the photographer’s eyes. Another shows a grandmother supporting her daughter as she begins to push, demonstrating the strength and endurance passed down through generations. In yet another image, a mother, after providing unwavering support throughout her daughter’s long night of labor, finally lets go and is overwhelmed with emotions. The photographer struggles to keep the camera steady, moved by the intensity of the moment.

There is also a photo that captures the excitement and priceless expressions on both

Above: “She was showing so much concern for her laboring daughter. It was incredibly touching and had me tearing up.”

“The mother (grandmother) supports her daughter as she begins to push.”

“After all the strength and endurance she gave to her daughter while she labored all night long, it was all over. She falls back and completely lets go and is overcome with emotion. And I can hardly keep my camera still.”

“The mom labored beautifully, was so strong the entire time. There was some slight shoulder dystocia but she handled it beautifully! She had the baby girl in the tub and as soon as Grandma saw the baby, she was immediately tearing up. The moment mom looked over towards Grandma, both the excitement on her face and on Grandma’s face was priceless!”

“Her mother traveled from out of town, and stayed for weeks, awaiting the birth of her first grandchild. She was there supporting her daughter throughout all of her labor, birth, and postpartum. It was so beautiful to see a mother be able to care for her daughter in such a new and amazing time.”

Mother and daughter during water birth in Pennsylvania.

“Three generations of strong women.”

“A special moment between new mom and new grandma – grandma was telling her how proud of her she was.”

Mom brushes her daughter’s hair in the delivery room.

“This first-time grandma was her daughter’s rock. She was there for every contraction and overwhelmed with love when she finally got to meet her grandson!”

“When the surprise announcement of the baby’s gender was exclaimed by the doctor, everyone jumped up and down cheering ‘It’s a boy!’ and this mother wept and looked toward her daughter, also a mother – now of a son, with the most adoration and love possible.”

“During the intensity of active labor, the comfort of a supporting mother is amazing.”

“Three generations of women – Grandma assisted in delivering her granddaughter. Baby Lylah’s first human touch was her grandmother.”

“You could feel the love in the room!”

“I was hired by Danielle to record her hospital birth, which was induced labor for the birth of twins.”

“This is how my client described the moment: ‘My mom was with me through all four of our births and had a huge amount of compassion, empathy and strength to unselfishly give to me and my husband. This is our last baby, she was named after my mom. It has been the highest honor to have my mom by my side as I birthed her grandbabies.’”
“This laboring mom’s mother and doula teamed up to make sure she felt comfortable and supported. While the doula massaged her hands, her mother massaged her back to help ease back labor pains. A wonderful example of what ‘women caring for women’ looks like.”