A Dream Come True: Couple with 14 Sons Welcomes First Daughter


A Michigan couple was blessed with a daughter after 14 sons. Kateri Schwandt and Jay welcomed their daughter Maggie Jayne, calling her the best gift they’d ever received.

«We are overjoyed and overjoyed to welcome Maggie Jayne into our family,» Jay, 45, said. «This year has been memorable for many reasons, but Maggie is the most wonderful gift we could ever receive.»



Maggie, who weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces, was named after a combination of her parent’s names. Kateri’s middle name is Margaret, and Jayne is derived from Jay’s first name.



Kateri and Jay’s other sons are Tyler, Zach, Drew, Brandon, Tommy, Vinny, Calvan, Gabe, Wesley, Charlie, Luke, Tucker, Francisco, and Finley. «My parents were finally blessed with the child they had never expected to have.» Tyler, the oldest son, said, «It’s been about 12 hours since