Cockerill i-X – The Futuristic Armored Beast Reaching 200 km/h.

The Cockerill i-X is born from the merger of the technological excellence of weapon systems and the expertise of rally raid performance, the Cockerill i-X represent a break with traditional concepts and imposes a new paradigm of military land operations.

The vehicle is capable of moving at very high speeds on-road and off-road (with a thermal or hybrid thermal-electric drive train), light, stealthy (appearance management with adaptive camouflage, and modification of IR and acoustic signature), integrating multi sensor data fusion technology (Smart Helmet, on-board intelligence AI, cameras, sensors : LWS, Acoustic Gunshot detection and localization) and capable of integrating a suite of effective weapons (such as 25mm, 30mm, Missiles, Rockets,…) depending on the threat to be neutralized, as well as to foresee the integration of a new generation of effectors.