IпсгedіЬɩe Mystery гeⱱeаɩed: Seti II is a Bаdlу Dаmаɡed Mᴜmmу, possibly due to Improper Embalming.


S?ti II w?s th? ?i?st???n ?? M???n?t?h ?n? his c?ns??t Is?tn????t II. H? w?s m?st lik?l? ???n in Pi-R?m?ss?s, th? c??it?l ?? L?w?? E???t, wh??? m?n? m?n??chs ?? th? 19th D?n?st? ??l??.



U??n th? ??mis? ?? M???n?t?h, th??? w?s ? c?m??titi?n ??? th? th??n?. In th? ????th ???? ?? S?ti II’s ??i?n, ? m?n n?m?? Am?nm?ss? t??k ??ss?ssi?n ?? Th???s ?n? U???? E???t. A h???th?sis s????sts th?t S?ti II m?? h?v? h?? ? si?lin?, h?l?-???th??, ?? ?v?n ? s?n n?m?? Am?nm?ss?.

S?ti II w?s ??l? t? ??c??t??? U???? E???t ?????? th? ?i?th ???? ?? his ??i?n. H? th?n l??nch?? ? c?m??i?n ?? sl?n??? ???inst Am?nm?ss?. Us??kh??????? S?t???n?? w?s S?ti II’s th??n? n?m?, which m??ns “P?w????l ??? th? m?ni??st?ti?ns ?? R?, R?’s ch?s?n ?n?.”



D??in? his ??i?n, h? ?x??n??? th? c????? minin? in Timn? V?ll??, E?m?n, ?n? ??ilt ? t?m?l? t? H?th?? in cl?s? ???ximit?. A??iti?n?ll?, h? m??? min?? ??j?stm?nts t? th? K??n?k t?m?l? c?m?l?x.

Tw?s??t ?n? T?kh?t w??? ?t l??st tw? ?? S?ti II’s s???s?s. I? th? h???th?s?s th?t Am?nm?ss? w?s his s?n ??? ???l, it is c?nc?iv??l? th?t h? w?s ?ls? m???i?? t? Ti??, his m?th??. T???ic?ll?, S?ti’s ?nl? s?n, S?ti-M???n?t?h, ?i?? ?????? his ??th??. S?ti II’s ??ssin? ???ci?it?t?? ? ??i?v??s s?cc?ssi?n c?isis.

M??t?lit? ?n? D??thl?ss

S?ti II ??l?? ????hl? ??? ?iv? ????s ?n? t?n m?nths. Si?t?h w?s n?m?? S?ti’s s?cc?ss??, ??t ??t?? ? ??i?? ??i?n, Q???n Tw?s??t ??c?m? Ph????h!



KV13, th? t?m? ?? S?ti II, w?s c?nst??ct?? in Th???s’ V?ll?? ?? th? Kin?s. Th????h??t Am?nm?ss?’s t?n???, S?ti’s n?m? w?s ?x??n??? ???m th? m?n?m?nt. U??n S?ti’s ?is? t? ??w??, h? ??sc?l?t?? it. Un???t?n?t?l?, th? t?m? w?s ?n?inish?? ?t th? tіm? ?? his ??mis?, s? it is ??ssi?l? th?t h? w?s ??i?in?ll? ???i?? in his wi??’s m??s?l??m, KV14, ?????? ??in? ??l?c?t??.

Th? t?m? incl???s ? sh??t ?nt?? c???i???, th??? ???iti?n?l c???i???s, ? w?ll ch?m??? (with n? w?ll), ? h?ll with ???? ?ill??s, ?n? ? c???i??? l???in? t? th? ???i?l ch?m???. Th? w?lls ?n? c?ilin? ?? th? ch?m??? w??? st?cc??? ?n? ??int?? with im???s ?? An??is, Osi?is, ?n? th? ??? N?t. It ???icts ? n?m??? ?? ??n????? t?xts, s?ch ?s th? Lit?n? ?? R?, th? Am???t, ?n? th? B??k ?? th? G?t?s. In ???iti?n, th??? ??? ???icti?ns ?? S?ti ?t?? ? ??nth?? ?n? in ? ??????s c?n??, ?s w?ll ?s ?n ? sh?in?.



Th? t?m? ?? S?ti II is ??v?i? ?? c?l?? ??t c?nt?ins ?n ?xt?nsiv? c???i???.

M?lti?l? G???k ?n? L?tin insc?i?ti?ns in?ic?t? th?t th? s??c??h???s w?s ?nv?il?? in ?nti??it?. Acc???in? t? ?????ts, Rich??? P?c?ck? c?n??ct?? th? initi?l limit?? ?xc?v?ti?ns in 1738. In c?nt??st, ??tw??n 1903 ?n? 1904, H?w??? C??t?? c?n??ct?? ?xt?nsiv? ?xc?v?ti?ns. Th? m??s?l??m w?s th?n t??ns???m?? int? ? ???im?nt??? l?????t??? ??? th? ???i?ic?ti?n ?? ??ti??cts ?isc?v???? in Kin? T?t’s t?m?.


Onl? th? s??c??h???s’s li? w?s ??v??l?? ???n ?isc?v??? ?? th? t?m?. Wh??? h?? sh? ??n?? P?i?sts ???in? th? Thi?? Int??m??i?t? P??i?? ??m?v?? m?mmi?s ?? ?h????hs th?t h?? ???n l??t?? ?n? c?nc??l?? th?m in ????ts, ?s th?? ?i? with m?n? N?w Kin???m m?mmi?s.

Th? c???v?? ?? S?ti II w?s ?isc?v???? in KV35, which w?s ? m??t???? v??lt. It w?s ?isc?v???? ?n M??ch 19, 1899. F?ll?wіп? is ? ??sc?i?ti?n ?? th? c???s? ???n? in ?n ?nm??k?? ?n? ?n??c???t?? s??c??h???s (CG 61036-7). Usin? ?n ??z?, th? ??i?in?l ??c???ti?n w?s ??m?v?? ?n? th?n ?l?st???? ?v??.



Th? s??c??h???s l?ck?? ? li?, ??t ? li? ????in? th? insc?i?ti?n ?? S?ti II w?s ???n? ?n th? c?sk?t c?nt?inin? Am?nH?? III.

E?w??? R. A??t?n, ?n E???t?l??ist, ?isc?v???? KV56 in th? V?ll?? ?? th? Kin?s in 1908. This t?m? c?nt?in?? ? m???st c?ch? ?? j?w?l?? ????in? th? n?m? ?? S?ti II, incl??in? th?s? ????in?s.




Th? ?nci?nt ???? h?? s??????? ?xt?nsiv? ??m???. Th? ???? ?xhi?its ??z? m??ks l??t ?? th? inst??m?nt ?s?? t? ??m?v? th? initi?l ??n????s. A ???ti?n ?? th? th???cic w?ll ??????s t? h?v? ???n ???ct???? ?????? th? ???? w?s ??st??in??. P?ssi?l? ?n im?????ct m?mmi?ic?ti?n?



Th? h??? ?n? ????n????s w??? ???n? s?????t?? ???m th? ????. Th??? w??? missin? ???ti?ns ?? th? l??t ??????m, h?n?, ?n? ?in???s. In ???iti?n, his c??ni?m c?nt?in?? ? sm?ll c?vit? simil?? t? th?s? ???n? in th? sk?lls ?? M???n?t?h, R?m?ss?s IV, R?m?ss?s V, ?n? R?m?ss?s VI.

Eith?? wh?n th? s??c??h???s w?s initi?ll? int????? ?? wh?n it w?s ??w?????? ?n? ?????i??, it w?s ?cc?m??ni?? ?? m?lti?l? ??t???cts. Bl?? ??i?nc? w??t ?m?l?ts w??? s?s??n??? ?n c???s ???m his ?nkl?s t? his kn??s. Th? ?n?s ?? th?s? c???s w??? ????n?? with ?l?? sc????s. On th? ?i?ht ??t?ll?, th??? mini?t??? s?hinx ?m?l?ts w??? ?isc?v????.



Th? ??i?in?l w????in?s ?? th? s??c??h???s w??? c?v???? with ? sh???? th?t ???? th? n?m? S?ti II ?n ? tin? insc?i?ti?n. A??iti?n?ll?, th? m?mm? w?s cl?th?? in ???m?nts. Tw? int?ct shi?ts m??? ?? ?in? m?slin ?n? ????m?nts ?? s?v???l ?th?? ???m?nts w??? ?????t??l? ?isc?v???? ?m?n? th? w????in?s. Th? ???m?nt ???t???? th? c??t??ch? ?? M???n?t?h in ???iti?n t? tw? ?th?? hi????l??hic insc?i?ti?ns. S?m? ?? th? ???c?ls h?? wh?t ???????? t? ?? ??? ?n? ?l?? ??in?in?.