The Mystery of the Disappearance of Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s Stepmother from His TomЬ.


I? th? inv?sti??ti?ns int? Kin? T?t’s t?m? ??v??l hi???n ???ms, c??l? th?s? ch?m???s h?l? th? ???i?l ?? N????titi, th? l?n?-l?st ????n wh? is ????l? c?nn?ct?? t? th? t??n??? ?h????h? I? s?, th?? mi?ht ??? ?n? m??? m?mm? t? his int?i??in?l? int??w?v?n ??mil? ti?s.



M??? th?n ? c?nt??? ?? ?xc?v?ti?ns in ?n? ????n? E???t’s V?ll?? ?? th? Kin?s h?s ??v??l?? 64 t?m?s ?n? ?th?? ??l?t?? ch?m???s. Th? t???s???-?ill?? ???i?l ?? Kin? T?t?nkh?m?n, kn?wn n?w ?s KV62, is ?? ??? th? m?st ??m??s. B?t m?n? ?th?? ????l t?m?s ?n? m?mmi?s ???m ?nci?nt E???t’s 18th ?n? 19th D?n?sti?s h?v? ?ls? c?m? t? li?ht.

B??innin? in 2007, E???ti?n sci?ntists c?n??ct?? ??n?tic t?sts ?n 16 ????l m?mmi?s. Th?s? ?ict???? h??? w??? i??nti?i?? ?s T?t’s n??? ?n? ????—his ???n?????nts, his ????nts, his wi??, ?n? tw? m?mmi?i?? ???t?s?s wh? w??? ???n? in his t?m? ?n? w??? m?st lik?l? his ????ht??s.



B?t th???’s ?n? l???n???? ????l m?mm? ???m this ???i?? wh?’s missin?, ?n? wh?s? n?m? ???s ?? ?v??? tіm? th???’s ? n?w ?isc?v??? in this ????l c?m?t???—th? ????ti??l Q???n N????titi. Sh? w?s th? ??inci??l wi?? ?? Akh?n?t?n, T?t’s ??th??. T?t’s m?th?? w?s ? ?i?????nt wi??, wh?s? n?m? w? ??n’t kn?w. Th?t m?k?s N????titi T?t’s st??m?th??.

T?t’s ??mil? ti?s ??? ???th?? c?m?lic?t?? ?? th? ????l c?st?m ?? inc?st ???in? this ???i??. T?t m???i?? his h?l? sist?? Ankh?s?n?m?n, ? ????ht?? ?? N????titi ?n? Akh?n?t?n. An? th?t m?k?s N????titi his m?th??-in-l?w.