12+ Houseplants That Grow In Dry Air for Your House

1. Wax Plant

Botanical Name: Hoya carnosa

The thick and waxy leaves, with rope-like stems of the Hoya plants, store water and can withstand droughts and dry indoor air easily!

2. Jade Plant

Botanical Name: Crassula ovata

Jade plants can withstand the combination of cold and hot air. It is a great plant that always stays green when the other plants become lifeless in a dry atmosphere.


3. Spineless Yucca

Botanical Name: Yucca elephantipes

Yucca plants cannot survive in humidity higher than 30 percent, making them an apt choice for dry air conditions. Excessive humidity in the environment causes plants to wilt and die.

4. Snake Plant

Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata

The Snake plant is a hard-to-kill specimen that can thrive on neglect. The plant also withstands typical dry indoor air very well.


5. Aloe

Botanical Name: Aloe spp

Aloe is an excellent choice if you have a very dry indoor atmosphere! This desert plant can handle a dry environment like a champ and also loves to sunbathe.

6. Ox Tongue

Botanical Name: Gasteria spp

A very easy to maintain houseplant, it does awesomely well in a dim-lit and dry room, especially in winters when the dry air can be a major problem!

7. String of Pearls

Botanical name: Senecio rowleyanus

The dangling stems of this plant have beautiful pearl-like leaves that make it one of the best houseplants that grow in dry air!

8. Silver Squill

Botanical Name: Ledebouria socialis

Though the plant will tolerate dry air with ease, just be careful not to put it near air-conditioner vents or cold drafts. Does relatively well in most home air conditions!

9. Kalanchoes

Kalanchoes thrive in dry air and low humidity, making them one of the best houseplants that grow in dry air. Just avoid putting them near an open window in cold climates.

10. Scented Geranium

Botanical Name: Pelargonium

It is not at all fussy to maintain and disperses an intoxicating smell with its foliage! You can also use the leaves in various ways of this dry air friendly plant!

11. Bunny Ear Cactus

Botanical name: Opuntia microdasys

Also famous as the Angel Wings Cactus, its thick pads with magnificent yellow flowers will do just fine in the dry air indoors!

12. Arrowhead Vine

Botanical Name: Syngonium spp

Flourishing in a dry environment, this is an ideal plant to grow indoors that’ll never fail to impress you with its glossy green foliage and prominent lines!

13. Clivia

Botanical Name: Clivia miniata

Then this should be your pick for a dry indoor air houseplant! It goes with every decor thanks to its contrasting foliage and blooms combination!

14. Succulents

Coming in so many shapes and sizes, you can put them anywhere in a dry room!


15. Cactus Plants

Cacti favor low humidity and dry air and do really well in such conditions. Do remember that they require appropriate air-circulation, plenty of light, and good drainage.