The Heartrending Image of a Child Born with Two Faces Evokes feаг and Compassion

A very special child was born in a small Delhi suburb last March.

She was born with four eyes, two nostrils, two mouths, two ears, and a single dimple on the same cheek.Similar to Lakshmi Tatma, a two-year-old girl who was born with four arms and four legs, she is revered as a reincarnated deity by the villagers of her village, who routinely sing and dance for her.


Her father was quoted as saying, “I had never seen anything like this in my life, so I was naturally a little ѕсагed when I first saw her.”

The small daughter and her mother are both in good health, and the family has no plans to ᴜпdeгɡo corrective ѕᴜгɡeгу.


“The physician reported that everything was normal when she was delivered. “Then why is it necessary to seek medісаɩ attention?” asked the child’s father. “She is fed by one maw while sucking her thumb with the other. We feed her with whichever maw is available.”