Tiny: Born 12 Weeks Premature, The Baby Was Born So Small That The Mother Wore Teddy Bear Clothes To Avoid Suffocation.

A premature baby who was born 12 weeks early had to be dressed in teddy bear’s clothes to avoid suffocation as she was so small.

Mia MacCormack weighed just 2lbs 8oz when she was born in March and had a tiny 10 inch long body.

The newborn was so small that even premature babygrows were too big for her and mother Emilie MacCormack was terrified she would suffocate her under layers of clothing.


Mia MacCormack, who was born 12 weeks early and was so small, her mother dressed her in clothes for teddy bears

Mother Emilie MacCormack, was terrified of suffocating her daughter under layers of clothing, so dressed her in clothes made for toys

However, the 24-year-old of Potters Bar, Hertfordshire found a novel way of dressing her small daughter by using clothes from teddy bears and dolls.

And now the social worker buys babygrows and outfits made for toys, which fit Mia perfectly.

She said: ‘Mia fitted in the palm of my hand when she was born.

‘I tried dressing her in baby grows with drawstrings but they were still huge, and they were all so plain and boring.


Even though Mia now weighs 7lbs, the same as the average newborn, her mother still buys her clothes from Toys R Us and she now has a princess outfit, left and her own raincoat, right

‘One afternoon I was struggling to dress her and looked up and saw a teddy bear dressed in a purple fairy dress.

‘It seemed the perfect answer so I took it off the bear and gently put it on Mia. It fitted perfectly and I no longer panicked that she would suffocate herself.’

After making her discovery, the single mother began taking clothes from Build-a-Bears and Baby Annabelle toys and now Mia’s wardrobe consists of outfits ranging from those for a princess to a pilot.

She even has a miniature raincoat for the bad weather.

Now at four months, Mia weighs 7lbs, the average size for a newborn.

But unlike most mothers who turn to Mothercare for their children’s clothes, Miss MacCormack is still shopping in Toys R Us.

She added: ‘People always think she’s a doll, so that gave me an idea. I started buying Baby Annabelle clothes from Toys R Us because they’re the same size.

‘Also, once she grows out of the outfits I can put them back on her teddies, so it’s cost effective too.’

In May 2012, Miss MacCormack, then 22, was diagnosed with unicornuate uterus syndrome – meaning her womb is split in two, increasing her chances of miscarrying and premature labour.

The condition came to light after the birth of her first son Kai, now two, who was born at just 27 weeks, weighing 2lb 2oz.


Miss MacCormack also dressed Mia in clothes designed for dolls such as those meant for Baby Annabelle toys

Miss MacCormack says she got the idea of using clothes for toys after people told her Mia was so small, she looked like a doll

Though Kai pulled through after three months in hospital, doctors told her it would be almost impossible for her to conceive again.

In spite of this she fell pregnant in November 2013 and decided to carry on with the pregnancy, despite fears she could miscarry or give birth early.

Earlier this year, the now mother-of-two went into labour at 28 weeks and Mia was born.

She spent the first six weeks of her life on the antenatal ward at Barnet Hospital.

Mia had to spend the first six weeks of her life in Barnet Hospital and had a tiny 10 inch body


Mia, pictured shortly after being born, has also battled blood poisoning and two bleeds in her brain

But against all the odds, she has pulled through and now lives with her mother and her older brother.

Mia has also battled blood poisoning and two bleeds in her brain which means she’ll need regular brain scans for the rest of her life to check for damage.

In addition, she is also awaiting open heart surgery to fix a 3mm hole in her heart.

But Miss MacCormack added: ‘Despite her health problems, doctors believe she’s got a normal chance at life.

‘We have to take every day as it comes but I’m confident her and her brother continue to grow into healthy, happy children.’