Moments of Wonder: Newborns Meet Their Mothers for the First Time, Just Seconds After Birth.

Becoming a mom and seeing your baby for the first time is one of the most hearts tugging moments that can be. You wait patiently for 9 months to see your baby, imagine different things and then suddenly, you are handed over your imagination in reality.

What did you feel in that moment? Was it love? Exhaustion? Gratitude? Were you relieved at the thought of what lay behind you? Overwhelmed by everything that suddenly stretched out down the path ahead?

It ranks right up there among life’s most remarkable events, that instant you first set eyes on the person who will change you forever, who will crack open parts of your heart you didn’t even know were there.


“Parents Craig and Stephanie, shown in the background, watching the birth of their third child via gestational carrier.” (Photo by Shoots and Giggles Photography)

Mom is a NICU nurse, and here she was about to have a baby that would need short stay in special care. She was told at 32 weeks that she had low fluids, she and admitted for a couple of days, and ultimately discharged and put on bed rest. 2 weeks later it was decided it would be safer for baby to be born at 35 weeks.  In this moment all of her fears and concerns melted away. He is here, he is healthy, and he is perfect.” (Photo by Ker-Fox Photography) 

When I arrived she was already 9cm. The space was so incredibly calm. She laboured eyes closed and her breathing steady… we knew it was only a handful of contractions before she was going to meet her baby. It was in this moment she finally opened her eyes. Just in time to see his beautiful face and his little hand reaching up for her.” (Photo by Ashley Marston Photography)

“I am so grateful to have been invited to take photos at this birth. Mom labored quickly and peacefully, and soon after getting in her birth tub pushed her baby into the water. The immediate feeling of relief and love washed over her, it was so beautiful to witness!” (Photo by Sabrina Rexing Photography) 

This was a so-called ‘gentle section.’ Directly after the baby is born they lay her on the mothers chest, so the bonding-process can start immediately. This couple was so ready to welcome their little girl into their lives, it was an honor to witness and document it for them.” (Photo: FocusPocus Fotografie) 

“There can be such triumph in birth. After 50 hours of labor, 5 weeks of baby being transverse, and two prior cesarean sections, this mama gave birth vaginally to her daughter. I could barely take photos through my tears of joy, as she reached for her baby and brought her to her chest.  This was one of the most emotional births I’ve ever attended and I’m so grateful to be asked to photograph such a pivotal time in a families life.” (Photo by Jennifer Mason Photography)

This is the first time this new mama laid eyes on her new baby after a very intense emergency cesarean birth. She waited to see him until this beautiful moment, when I was able to capture it and she was able to finally hold him in her arms.” (Photo by Lori Martinez Photography) 

This was my very first birth as a photographer and even the first time ever watching a woman give birth to her baby. I remember thinking in this moment ‘women are so amazing!’ This momma had kept the gender a surprise and her and her hubby were so excited to be welcoming their daughter into the world. This moment is what makes it all worth it. Every single complaint before just disappears and it’s all worth it.” (Photo by Honey Lime Photography)