Heartwarming Moments of Mothers Welcoming New Life into the World

“My son passed away three hours after he was born. He had Trisomy 18. This was in the midst of him passing. I think of him every day.”

“My son was born via C-section. When they were about to pull him out, they told my husband to get his camera ready. This shot is him half in and half out…the second he was born.”

“Our 2nd right after she was born. Taken by our anesthesiologist.”


“My first time holding my daughter, Nora. I didn’t get to hold her or see her for three excruciating hours after she was born via C-section.”

“My first born. Her little heart was in distress, so we had to get her out fast. With not enough time for a C-section, we opted for use of a vacuum. It helped ease her head out and I was able to push her the rest of the way. She is a perfect three-year-old now. Life is beautiful.”

“I love this photo of our oldest looking at her new brother. The first thing our oldest said was, ‘Oh my goodness, mommy, he’s so dirty!’”

—Jennifer Lary Salome, Facebook

“I got to catch my own baby. This was the moment I met my son. This was the moment everything changed.”

“This photo was taken shortly after giving birth to my first son whose gender was a surprise. Not in the delivery room because we were blessed with a successful home birth (after two hospital births). This was the strongest, most feminine I have ever felt in my life!”