The Little Boy Kissed His Mother’s Feet While She Was Recovering After Giving Birth, Leaving Many Mothers Of Second-born Children Deeply Touched

Feeling sorry, compassionate, and immediately thinking of their own home when giving birth to their second child, that is the shared feeling of thousands of mothers when they see these photos.

If the first time giving birth, mothers devote all their worries and excitement to the childbirth process, then when giving birth to the second child, besides the worry about the delivery, there is another agonizing concern that many mothers experience, which is the worry about not knowing who will take care of the older child at home, will they cry and miss their mother? This worry is multiplied when mothers give birth to two children close together, meaning that when giving birth to the second child, the older child is still very young, accustomed to the mother’s embrace, care, and tenderness.

That is why, when looking at the photos capturing the scene of the older son hugging and kissing his mother lying on the recovery bed after giving birth to the younger child, everyone feels deeply moved. Moreover, upon closer inspection, people can see that the little boy is wearing a fever patch on his forehead. Indeed, for any mother, going to give birth while the older child is sick, not being able to be by their side to take care of and comfort them, the worry is multiplied two or three times.

Minh Quân – the older son gently bends down to kiss his mother lying on the recovery bed after giving birth by cesarean section.

It is known that Thu Trang recently gave birth to her second child over 2 weeks ago, while her older son, Minh Quân, is only 22 months old. Since she gave birth to two children close together, Trang was also very worried about the situation where she had to go to the hospital to deliver the baby and her older son couldn’t accompany her.

I gave birth to my second child when my older child was only 22 months old. That day, I was admitted to the hospital unexpectedly. I was 35 weeks pregnant when I suddenly had abdominal pain in the afternoon. The doctor told me to be admitted to the hospital for an urgent cesarean section because my uterus was about to rupture. If the uterus ruptured, it would be dangerous for both me and the baby.

Meanwhile, our older child had been sick for 2 or 3 days. He had a cough and fever. When he saw me in pain, he immediately came over to rub my belly and give me a kiss. He was very concerned and kept asking to go to the hospital with me, but he couldn’t. He had to stay at home with his aunt.

I was admitted to the hospital, lying on the operating table, crying and scared. I was worried that my eldest child at home didn’t know if he was crying or eating because he hadn’t eaten anything for the past few days due to his illness. Now, he didn’t have his mother by his side anymore… I was also worried about how the surgery would go, whether the baby would be healthy and safe,” the young mother recalled.

Hình ảnh con trai lớn hôn mẹ đang nằm hồi sức sau khi sinh em xong khiến bao người thấy cảnh nhà mình trong đó - Ảnh 2.

Despite being sick with a fever, the little boy insisted on going to the hospital to see his mother.

Sharing more about her recent childbirth experience, Thu Trang recounted that both times she gave birth prematurely, with the first baby at 36 weeks and the second at 35 weeks. There was a coincidence that both siblings were born on the same day, only different months. When her older son was only 11 months old, the young mother became pregnant again. Due to her thin uterus, the doctor warned of the risks involved. From 7 months onwards, she had to stay in one place to nurture the pregnancy and couldn’t personally take care of her older child. When it was time to give birth, she was admitted to the hospital unexpectedly and in a critical condition.

Fortunately, the delivery went smoothly. Baby girl Minh Anh was born healthy, but because she was a bit small, she had to be placed in an incubator for care. Upon returning from the recovery room, Thu Trang saw her older son waiting eagerly. As soon as he saw his mother lying on the bed with a bleeding hand from the injection, Minh Quân ran over, kissed her, and burst into tears. He gently rubbed and blew on her hand. When he saw the nurse preparing to give his mother another injection, he cried even louder and refused to let her do it. “At that moment, I felt so much love for my child. He is still young, but he understands and shows so much affection,” shared Thu Trang.

Baby girl Minh Anh is as adorable as a little angel when she first came into the world.

Then all the worries and dangers have passed. After days in the hospital, the young mother was able to bring her daughter home. Surprisingly, both children were well-behaved, disciplined, and with the help of family members, so despite the difficult delivery, Trang didn’t have to struggle too much.

Proud of her affectionate son, the young mother shared: “Although young, my son knows how to help me with many things. Whenever he sees me busy pumping milk and the baby cries, he runs over to comfort her or fetch a bottle for her right away. If he sees my clothes not yet put away, he tidies them up in the wardrobe. Sometimes, when I spread papers all over the room, he even picks up each piece and throws it in the trash. And when the baby is awake, he even carries her and talks to her… Seeing my children like this, all the worries and exhaustion just disappear.”

Even in sleep, I don’t want to leave you half a step.

Perhaps the emotions and thoughts of Thu Trang are also the common feelings of mothers when giving birth to their second child. Knowing that having another child will be a disadvantage for both the older and younger siblings, but if fortunate enough to receive help from the family, the children are obedient, caring, and loving towards each other, these things will alleviate some of the burdens for the mothers. And it is certain that the happiness of watching the children play and grow together will make the mothers feel like it’s worth sacrificing everything.