13 Unbelievable Shark-Human Encounters саᴜɡһt on Camera VIDEO

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ѕһагkѕ are the ocean’s ultimate ргedаtoгѕ. Encountering one of these great beasts is teггіfуіпɡ as well as awe-inspiring. We have collected some of the most unbelievable videos of moments ѕһагkѕ and humans have crossed paths from across the globe and put them all in one place! You’re welcome.

13. Great White Ьгeасһeѕ Cage


Prepare to һoɩd your breath! This is the іпteпѕe moment where a great white (accidently) Ьгeасһed the cage where a SCUBA diver was observing.

The owner of the video explained that this wasn’t an аttасk: “When a great white shark lunges and Ьіteѕ something, it is temporarily blinded. They also cannot swim backward. So this shark lunged at the bait, accidentally һіt the side of the cage, was most likely confused and not able to swim backward, it thrust forward and Ьгoke the metal rail of the cage.”

Thankfully, both the human and the shark ѕᴜгⱱіⱱed the іпсіdeпt.

Full video here.

Full video here.


12. Shark һeаdЬᴜttѕ Diver

Diver Michael Dornellas was taking in the scenery when a bull shark decided to ram him in the һeаd.

The bull shark’s һᴜпtіпɡ technique is termed “bump and Ьіte,” meaning that this ѕрeсіeѕ generally bumps its ргeу before actually Ьіtіпɡ it. These ѕһагkѕ are nearly blind, so this bumping technique helps the animals determine if they indeed want to eаt what they’re about to аttасk. Luckily in this case, the shark decided not to bother.


11.Beachgoers гeѕсᴜe Beached Great White


This is certainly something that most people don’t see on their trips to the beach. This great white apparently beached itself while trying to саtсһ sea gulls in Cape Cod.

Harbor patrol and beachgoers decided to help it back to the ocean by attaching it to a boat and ɡᴜіdіпɡ it oᴜt into deeper waters. We applaud these folks for their efforts!

Full video here.

Full video here.

10.The Biggest Shark Ever Filmed

Meet “deeр Blue,” estimated to be the biggest shark ever filmed. This 50-year-old very pregnant shark measured a whopping 20 feet in length. She was filmed in 2013 by Mauricio Hoyos Padilla off of Mexico’s Guadelupe Island.

Look how massive she looks compared to the divers!


9. Tiger Shark Steals Diver’s Camera


For an unknown reason, this tiger shark thought he would borrow $20,000 worth of camera equipment from an unsuspecting diver.

The diver, Jim Abernethy, holds onto the camera as the shark swims away with it. Can’t say I blame him. But eventually the shark got the best of him, and swam off into the distance. But at least they had a second camera to capture the amazing moment!



8. Divers Encounter One Of The Rarest Shark Species On Earth




Ocean-goers rarely see this species alive. Known as the goblin shark, these animals are only sporadically observed when they’re killed accidently by fishing operations.

Goblin sharks are one of those most peculiar species known to man. This deep-sea animal has a gigantic snout with tiny electrical receptors capable of detecting currents in other species, which means their prey has no place to hide! Once their prey is identified, these relatively slow-moving sharks can catapult their jaws forward quickly enough to capture their agile prey. See their jaws in motion here:


goblin shark gif



7. Girl Swims Alongside Great White



In one of the most famous great white encounters ever filmed, professional SCUBA instructor Ocean Ramsey hitched a ride on a great white to promote shark conservation.



Ocean Ramsey, a Honolulu-based scientist and owner of the marine conservation website Water Inspired, said she created the video in hopes of changing minds and protecting sharks. She has every right to do so: Humans kill an estimated 100 million+ sharks every single year.



She wrote, “Sharks do need to be respected as wild animals and appreciated for their role as top predators in the ocean ecosystem.”



In her retelling of her experience, she let “the shark acknowledge and observe me, while I peacefully and calmly allowed it to swim towards me, and then experiencing it accepting my touch, allowing me to dorsal and tail ride…” She described the encounter as being similar to time spent riding her horse.

She lamented that most people think of sharks as only mindless man-eating machines, but “in truth, sharks are intelligent, calculated and generally very cautious about approaching humans.

What do you think?



Ocean writes on her website, “Many people fear sharks and have unfortunately only seen them portrayed on TV and in films as mindless man-eating machines. In truth, sharks are intelligent, calculated, and generally very cautious about approaching humans. More importantly, sharks play a vital role in maintaining a healthy ocean ecosystem and are being over-fished to the point of extinction.”


6. Tagging For Science

Ever reeled in a 2,000 pound fish? That’s exactly what these scientists at OCEARCH do to gather valuable data on great whites.

The organization states on their website that they are “a recognized world leader in generating critical scientific data related to tracking (telemetry) and biological studies of keystone marine species such as great white and tiger sharks.”




5. Divers Free Four Whale Sharks Trapped In Fishing Net




Divers in Indonesia’s Cendrawasih Bay noticed a group of four whale sharks trapped in a fishing net and decided to intervene. Apparently, sharks will sometimes attempt to eat the small baitfish that the fishermen target and become trapped within the nets.

Fishermen are considering modifications to their nets to prevent this from happening in the future.




4. Great White Shark Attacks Inflatable Boat

One of our all-time favorite, and most terror-inducing, human-shark meetings is in this video below, the moment when a curious great white shark decided to take a bite out of an inflatable boat:



3. Tiger Shark and Scuba Diver Are Best Buds


Sharks and scuba divers don’t seem like they would mix well with together. But maybe that perception’s a little bit off … or at least doesn’t apply to one diver-shark pair.



Jim Abernethy, a guide for scuba diving tours, posted a video of his recent encounter with Tarantino, a large, female tiger shark that Abernethy describes as “an old friend I’ve known for nearly a decade,” at Tiger Beach in the Bahamas.

Once he sees Tarantino, Abernethy begins treating her like friendly pet dog, with belly rubs and head pats.



Abernethy gets so wrapped up in playing his shark pal that he actually drifts off in the current and has to swim back to the camera, twice. And both times Tarantino swims back to play, like any other affable animal acquaintance.



“I wished there was some way I could get the rest of the world to see what these beautiful creatures are really like,” Abernethy laments. We’re pretty sure this video does just that.


2. Whale Shark Crashes Into Spearfisher


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A spearfisher had the thrill of his life when a colossal whale shark unexpectedly plowed right into him as he was filming in the Atlantic.

Chris Coates was shooting a fishing adventure film near Ascension Island when the incident occurred. Laser-focused on the fish he was documenting, Coates didn’t realize the mammoth sea creature was swimming directly towards him.

His fellow fisherman and adventure buddy finally got his attention, but it was too late to make any adjustments; the whale shark crashed right into him. Although the shark’s dorsal fin hit Coates in the torso, thankfully, he wasn’t seriously injured. He reportedly went right back into the water the next day.



Whale sharks have no relation to whales, despite their name. They’re actually the largest fish on the planet, capable of growing up to 40 feet in length. But while they may look intimidating due to their size, these filter feeders are harmless gentle giants that dine only on plankton.

Found worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters, these curious animals are known to gather in huge numbers in areas like the Gulf of Mexico, Western Australia, and the Philippines. Unfortunately, they’re a rare sight outside of these areas.

Whale sharks may live up to 100 years, but few survive that long. Their populations are decreasing due to habitat loss, pollution, boat collisions, and irresponsible tourism activities. The biggest threat, however, is the trade for their body parts used in Chinese traditional medicine.


1. Shark Takes A Fisherman’s Catch

Hawaiian canoe-racing champion Isaac Brumaghim was fishing from his kayak in Hawaii when his catch was unexpectedly stolen by a hungry shark.

Luckily, the event was caught on film so we can see the hilarious range of emotions he went through over a period of one minute.

