іпсгedіЬɩe Transformation: Dog Ьгᴜtаɩɩу аttасked, Loses Ears, and Rises Above раіп to Find a Loving Home!




GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) — A mixed-breed dog that lost both ears in an attack by two other dogs is mended and looking for a new home, thanks to a South Carolina woman who helped save him.

Fran Alexay Rizzo of Greenville is the foster mom of 2-year-old Legend, who looks like a mix of basset hound, Labrador and pit bull.








She tells the Greenville News that as a volunteer with Greenville County Animal Care , she took Legend to a veterinary clinic about three weeks ago. He was bleeding from bite wounds on his head, neck and front legs.

The emergency veterinarian was not sure if he was going to make it,” she said. “Nothing was visibly broken. But the trauma to his body from all these wounds was just so great.

“And there’s only so much a little body can sustain.”







He was found when two women taking a walk downtown during their lunch break heard a commotion at a nearby house, she said.

Peering into the yard, they saw two pit bulls attacking Legend, who didn’t stand a chance against the much larger dogs. “They were ripping his ears off,” Rizzo said.

Animal Control was called, and Legend was taken to Greenville County Animal Care.

The cost for his care topped $9,000, Rizzo said. Rescue Dogs Rock NYC , which had seen a request for help, paid his medical bills and is handling his adoption.

Though his hearing is fine, both his ears are gone. His face, shoulders and legs are covered in scars. But his tail wags often, and he likes kissing Rizzo and anyone who shows him some affection.

Legend is about 2 years old and weighs 45 pounds. He is heartworm negative, house-trained, and already answers to his name.

“He’s a beautiful dog and he is going to make someone extremely happy,” Rizzo said as Legend snuggled up to her. “He’s a great pet.”